Each Thursday at noon, the COVID313 Community Coalition for Families and Students host a virtual townhall focused on supporting parents, students, and families during the Coronavirus outbreak.

The next Townhall for Families and Students will be Thursday April 16th from 12n-2p. Find out more at covid313.org. You can also see it live on Detroit Public Television’s Facebook page each Thursday.

Week 1 Highlights >
Watch 2 Highlights >

Week 3 Highlights

Full presentation:

Dr. Najibah Rehman, Medical Director, Detroit Department of Health provides the latest regarding COVID-19 and the city of Detroit, including the latest numbers of those who’ve caught the virus and how many have died. The city is closely watching nursing homes, dialysis centers and homeless shelters. Dr. Rehman talks about rapid testing yielding results in 15 minutes and how the city is taking care of first responders. The usage of masks is also discussed.
Dominique Walker, Clinical Director of the Children’s Center in Detroit explains how to interact with a child trying to cope with grief when someone dies.
Detroit Census 2020 Executive Director Victoria Kovari provides a status report on what’s going on with the city’s campaign to raise awareness and turnout for this year’s census. Because of COVID-19 the end date has been extended into August with another extension possible. Events have been cancelled. While Michigan overall has had a strong turnout so far, the city of Detroit has fallen short.
Looking at education in the Virtual Townhall, Wayne RESA Superintendent Randy Liepa explains where school districts stand on I.E.P.s, Michigan Association of Public School Academies President Dan Quisenberry affirms the importance of continuing school work at home, Jeremiah White of Hope Starts Here gives details the Digital ‘Hope’ Kit available online to support students and parents while at home and Detroit Public Television Early Education Manager Tara Hardy updates offerings from DPTV for students from pre-school to 12th grade with more to come next week.