On the next American Black Journal, Stephen talks with Michael Rafferty, the CEO of New Detroit, about the non-profit’s new Declaration of War on Racism. They’ll discuss what actions can be taken by individuals and organizations to help bring an end to social and systemic racism.  Plus, the annual ARISE Detroit! Neighborhoods Day is still on for this summer, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Executive Director Luther Keith explains what the scaled-down version of this citywide event will look like in order to keep everyone safe.  And, longtime Detroit gallery owner and curator, Dell Pryor, talks about her collaboration with the Detroit Artists Market on a new exhibition featuring the works of 19 African American artists.



Don’t miss American Black Journal on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and again on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Detroit Public TV, WTVS-Channel 56.

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