On the next American Black Journal, we’re continuing our special series, “Do Black Lives Matter in America?,” produced in partnership with the community-based news organization, BridgeDetroit.

This week, we have frank conversations about the way the news media has covered the Black Lives Matter protests, and we take a look at diversity in the nation’s newsrooms. Stephen Henderson talks with a managing editor at the USA TODAY NetworkMichael McCarter, about hiring, inclusion and the role of journalists reporting on racial issues.

Orlando Bailey of BridgeDetroit gets firsthand perspectives on coverage of the BLM protests from two African American female journalists, Katrease Stafford, National Race & Ethnicity Writer at the Associated Press, and Olivia Lewis of  BridgeDetroit, and learns what it means to them to report on stories that impact them personally as Black women. Plus, One Detroit’s Will Glover talks with the president of the Detroit Chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists, Vincent McCraw, about the current state of diversity in the news media and what happens when journalists of color become part of the story they are covering.


Don’t miss American Black Journal on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and again on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Detroit Public TV, WTVS-Channel 56.

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